Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1: Outline
Concept Check Questions for all Parts [PDF]
Part 1: Currents, coils, knobs and names: Basic anatomy of the electron microscope
8 modules, ~2 hours total, Slides [PDF]
- Electron guns
- EM lenses
- The column, knobs and names
- The sample chamber
- Energy filters
- Detectors
- Vacuum systems
- Summary, safety
Part 2: Fourier transforms and reciprocal space for beginners
6 modules, ~2 hours total, Slides [PDF]
- One dimensional waves and sums
- One-dimensional reciprocal space
- Two-dimensional waves and images
- Two-dimensional transforms and filters
- Three-dimensional waves and transforms
- Convolution and cross-correlation
Part 3: Image formation
6 modules, ~3 hours total, Slides [PDF]
- Amplitude and phase contrast, scattering
- Wave propagation and phase shifts
- The contrast transfer function
- Defocus and its effects
- Envelopes
- CTF correction
Part 4: Fundamental challenges in biological EM
5 modules, ~1 hour total, Slides [PDF]
- Sample prep: Room temperature methods
- Sample prep: Freezing methods
- Sample prep: Grids
- 3-D reconstruction
- Dose limitations
Part 5: Tomography
5 modules, ~2 hours total, Slides [PDF]
- Introduction to tomography
- Data collection and reconstruction
- Identifying objects of interest
- Limitations
Part 6: Single-particle analysis
6 modules, ~3 hours total, Slides [PDF]
- Introduction to single particle analysis
- Special sample prep issues
- Data collection (imaging)
- Reconstruction basics
- Reconstruction: additional topics
- Interpretation and limitations
Part 7: 2-D crystallography
4 modules, ~1 hour total, Slides [PDF]
- Introduction to 2-D crystallography and special sample prep issues
- The Fourier transform of a 2-D crystal
- Data collection and reconstruction
- Helical tubes